Insurance at my last company was so low, I’m not certain what it cost. $50mo. I think? When I started it was $35.

Let’s do math. $20 every 3-months for a copay to get the doctor to re-up my prescription, $10 for the pills, $30 total. Add in whatever my employer paid for my part over 3-months, add in the doctor’s cash-price difference. You get the idea.

And I probably could have found a way to cut the prescription price in half, or less. Ideas? That company Mark Cuban started? (Looks like it’s $8.23/90-days there, haven’t dug in on total price.)

Just learned about direct primary care, may jump on that if my new job doesn’t cover insurance, or it isn’t worth it. Thoughts on that?

Obviously I’m an American. You don’t know how sad that made me to type. It’s humiliating.

  • @crank0271
    91 month ago

    I’m sorry to inform you that that “foot in the door” is a pre-existing condition so we won’t be covering anything else ever again.