This in-ground grafted ‘El Bumpo’ tree is 3-4 years old and requires regular pruning to avoid hitting the greenhouse ceiling, but has yet to produce any fruitlets until now. Cherimoya unfortunately requires hand-pollination to set fruit, and even worse the flowers & pollen are only viable for a few hours… and I only even bother to try paintbrush pollination when I am already out there and see some fresh flowers.

If this fruit is not fantastic I’m digging this whole tree up and replacing with a Geffner atemoya I already have in a pot that is a better producer, without any hand pollination.

  • @tlongstretchOPM
    11 year ago

    It is supposed to be one of the most delicious fruits in the world. It is in the ‘annona’ family, often called custard apple, sugar apple, etc. though they are actually different fruits in same family.

    You can buy them at grocery stores in the US occasionally, sometimes fruit is sourced from California or Mexico.

    It tastes like… vanilla ice cream maybe? Hard to describe.