For me traveling has always been about discovering myself through other people’s eyes. The more you get to know how they think, live and survive, the more you get to know the real world never revealed to you. You realise the confinement that all these social standards have caused and you are a part of it. A part of a prison with a camouflage of civility. And then you see purity in those eyes and those eyes set you free. They give a meaning to your entire existence. With time it is no longer a pursuit, but a way of life.

  • Spiros Soueref
  • Asimov's RobotOPM
    1 year ago

    I always save pictures that I love in a folder I use for inspiration. Sometimes there’s information and locations listed next to images due to good journalistic practices like accurate captioning, but other times I have to search the web for some relevant info, because I can only find out who’s the photographer and nothing else. Ocasionally I luck out and find a piece written about the photo in question (like the one by Tony Ray-Jones)