Cant imagine making 30 k a year and having to pay even 1600 in taxes. This is saying it will increase that much.

  • @Rhoeri
    9 hours ago

    “LiBruL pROpAgAnDa!”

    For fucks sake. It’s not propaganda to think violence isn’t the answer to political problems. Have you never heard the saying “two wrongs don’t make a right?” If not, learn it, if so, them tire being willfully obtuse.

    And you know damn well I didn’t mean “animals” to imply actual animals. It’s a term. How about you replace “animals” with “losers,” or “assholes” instead.

    Lastly, I tend to avoid arguing with smug and arrogant people that try and rub pseudo-intellectual bullshit all over everything. So…

    Have a day.