Yes; even in late 2001 I already saw a lot of agreement that “the terrorists have won”. The post-9/11 era saw a large jump in executive power, deepened internal political division, an erosion of individual rights, and an upswing in fear and xenophobia. All of this led to decreased stability and that’s exactly what the attacks were aiming for.
In the end the attacks only accelerated an ongoing process of decay but they did so very effectively.
Yes; even in late 2001 I already saw a lot of agreement that “the terrorists have won”. The post-9/11 era saw a large jump in executive power, deepened internal political division, an erosion of individual rights, and an upswing in fear and xenophobia. All of this led to decreased stability and that’s exactly what the attacks were aiming for.
In the end the attacks only accelerated an ongoing process of decay but they did so very effectively.