House Bill 446 in Montana establishes two indecent exposure laws: one for the general public that requires intent, and another for trans people that does not.
I think one thing fhat might surprise you is how little you’re specifically judged. I rarely look at someone’s body and assume their politics unless they have a politicized body. Where you’re gonna get hit is in the “regardless of his beliefs he can probably get away with hurting me”. Alongside blending into the hostile world.
Like the reason we choose the bear is because we know how the bear will act. It has no benefit to playing nice to hurt us. You keep your distance, hope it isn’t grizzly and stay safe
I think one thing fhat might surprise you is how little you’re specifically judged. I rarely look at someone’s body and assume their politics unless they have a politicized body. Where you’re gonna get hit is in the “regardless of his beliefs he can probably get away with hurting me”. Alongside blending into the hostile world.
Like the reason we choose the bear is because we know how the bear will act. It has no benefit to playing nice to hurt us. You keep your distance, hope it isn’t grizzly and stay safe