I feel that this is the stereotype that is portrayed, however this isn’t true. I’ve lived in a very rural place growing up and rural areas tend to rely more on government assistance.
The reason I bring this up is as someone coming from a rural community, there is this belief that the government doesn’t help you. This is part of the reason why trump came to power. This idea that bloated government programs only exist for cities. This isn’t true and this shouldn’t be perpetuated. People from these communities need to understand their reliance on government programs because they are all under threat right now.
I feel that this is the stereotype that is portrayed, however this isn’t true. I’ve lived in a very rural place growing up and rural areas tend to rely more on government assistance.
For example, in a study from 2017 shows people from rural communities are more likely to receive Medicaid than urban communities. https://www.kff.org/medicaid/issue-brief/the-role-of-medicaid-in-rural-america/
Additionally, SNAP also has a higher percentage use in rural communities. https://www.fb.org/market-intel/snap-it-aint-just-for-cities
The reason I bring this up is as someone coming from a rural community, there is this belief that the government doesn’t help you. This is part of the reason why trump came to power. This idea that bloated government programs only exist for cities. This isn’t true and this shouldn’t be perpetuated. People from these communities need to understand their reliance on government programs because they are all under threat right now.