Lookup individual doctors, or practices, or companies and see the incentives paid out.
The mission of the program is to provide the public with a more transparent health care system.
Open Payments collects and publishes information about financial relationships between drug and medical device companies (referred to as “reporting entities”) and certain health care providers (referred to as “covered recipients”). These relationships may involve payments to providers for things including but not limited to research, meals, travel, gifts or speaking fees.
All information available on the Open Payments database is open to personal interpretation and if there are questions about the data, patients and their advocates should speak directly to the health care provider for a better understanding.
There’s thousands of docs out there getting decent compensation. A handful get a lot of money, but it can even be indirectly related to research. Like, if I’m an expert on MRNA and Moderna keeps hiring me to lecture for their staff, it looks like they’re paying me quite a bit. But I probably work on studies for multiple drug companies.