I was also very vocal about my distaste for biden.

I might be more upset if I thought elections would be free or fair. I am actually excited to see the neoliberals take the L in the midterms because they fully deserve it.

Then I’m back to reality and wish people would realize the DNC is a sunk cost and start acting now. No need to wait. There are calls for a strike May 1st. Get ready. The goal isn’t to drive a stake into the heart of capitalism but it’s to hold out as long as we can and show the government we are united.

People aren’t reddit. Reddit is people.

I trust in goodness. So I trust in you.

  • Singletona082
    29 hours ago

    My stance, as the one cis/het guy in my chosen peer group, is this:

    • Put everyone on even footing at base. No lynchings, no treating this or that group as inherently sexual or evil or whatever.

    • Once we have established that baseline. Go back to fifties era taxation for the wealthy.

    Point Two should help with point one by way of focusing our rage at the people who have been gleefully pitting us at each other while they siphon money from us.