This happens to me almost daily.
A customer brings up a 1x1 inches, easy-to-hold item to purchase. Surely they don’t need a bag, right? After all, the smallest bag size we have would still be way too large for this single item.
With this in mind, once the transaction is complete, I attempt to hand the receipt and item to the customer, only to be responded to with, “uh, can I have a bag??” as if I’m the idiot.
It’s like people desire to contribute to landfills.
What’s funnier is when it’s someone who has a purse on them. You can’t put it in your purse?!
I’m less so saying “bags are bad” and more so saying “let’s try not to use bags when it’s clearly not necessary”. There’s no reason to take a plastic bag when you’ve got a 1 inch item. A lot of the things you listed can be done perfectly fine with a reusable bag or container, which are these days pretty cheap.