“Wait, that (completely needless, umpteenth) ticket we have open on your keyboard ‘making weird noises’ hasn’t been dealt with yet? Oh I’m sorry, sir, I did label it ‘urgent’ like you asked. Yes, sir, right away sir. Well, there’s a few things I have to get to before, but I’m confident I’ll make it there today, tomorrow at the latest.”
hang up, lift feet on the desk, delete ticket, make a new one set to lowest priority
“Wait, that (completely needless, umpteenth) ticket we have open on your keyboard ‘making weird noises’ hasn’t been dealt with yet? Oh I’m sorry, sir, I did label it ‘urgent’ like you asked. Yes, sir, right away sir. Well, there’s a few things I have to get to before, but I’m confident I’ll make it there today, tomorrow at the latest.”
hang up, lift feet on the desk, delete ticket, make a new one set to lowest priority