Liberta Vidéo est un service de diffusion vidéo ouvert et gratuit à vocation généraliste / Liberta Video is an open and free video broadcasting service with a generalist vocation.
Yes, we are the small folk, and some are brainwashed to think the Lannisters are worthy of devotion. Most of us, though, serve others out of generosity, kindness, and decency. I don’t expect to be cared for in my old age. But I help others anyway, because it’s what we should do. And because the Lannisters won’t. Depending on how wrecked I am in my old age, i might take a Lannister with me when I go.
Yes, we are the small folk, and some are brainwashed to think the Lannisters are worthy of devotion. Most of us, though, serve others out of generosity, kindness, and decency. I don’t expect to be cared for in my old age. But I help others anyway, because it’s what we should do. And because the Lannisters won’t. Depending on how wrecked I am in my old age, i might take a Lannister with me when I go.