While Elon indulges in political theater and self-aggrandizing quips, Tesla is experiencing an unprecedented slump in both sales and stock value.
While Elon indulges in political theater and self-aggrandizing quips, Tesla is experiencing an unprecedented slump in both sales and stock value.
Yah everyone is reading way too much into this man, he’s just a mentally unwell incel who figured out how to get money from people. His emotional state is probably a mess but it doesn’t mean he’s about to cave in. He has more money than God and he isn’t going to crash out so easily.
Hot tip: it’s a LOT easier to secure huge amounts of funding than you think, it certainly doesn’t take intelligence, just good connections and a complete lack of self-awareness, I know from unfortunate experience that you can secure millions in financing simply by sounding sure of yourself and talking in ways that are too convoluted for everyone to understand… I have literally seen million-dollar checks handed over because everyone in the room didn’t want to feel stupid.