What’s a piece of SF that you just couldn’t get into, even though you feel like you should?

I tried to watch Babylon 5, for instance, and just couldn’t connect to it. I know it’s popular and people love it, but it never hooked me.

Another is The Three Body Problem. I tried reading it after a friend’s glowing recommendation, but I couldn’t get past the first chapter. I even tried reading it in another language in case it was the translation I couldn’t connect with, but the same thing happened.

Both are things I feel like I should like, but just don’t.

  • @PineapplePartisan
    111 months ago

    Good rec. I’ve already read a bunch of Egan. I especially enjoyed “Diaspora”. Most recently I am revisiting some of the Iain M. Banks “Culture” books. It is refreshing to read about space battles that occur at distance and as fast as the AIs can fight. None of the b.s. of space ships being 200m apart and fighting with WWII era plane tactics. No stupid sword fights. No “going manual” to accomplish the mission. Basically it’s the anti-trope masterpiece and it’s so readable as well.