I remember in MH Tri that you would get a “level” of some elemental resistance for each 5 points of that elemental resistance on armour pieces. Like, 4 points would give you no benefit at all, but 5 points would give you low elemental resistance, 10 points mid, and 15 points high (or something like that). So little me thought I would have a little bit of everything, having a couple of points in each resistance, and I only much later found out I actually had no benefit at all. So my question is: do the points/resistances work in the same way in MHW too, or does each point count? I searched the internet but surprisingly did not find an answer.

  • @BlitzKrieg2552
    21 year ago

    I see what you mean now. Sorry about that.

    The different coloured text might be an indicator that you’re getting an artificial increase to your resistance (i.e., canteen food buffs or decorations) instead of naturally from the armour set.