• @inclementimmigrant
    2 years ago

    Please cite the law in play then.

    Also the article literally states that once a account is closed, the account cannot be recovered so please point out how one would go about accessing the digital games you bought after they closed your account.

    Edit to add things I found about the GDPR and ubi being assholes.

    The GDPR does not specify a specific period of inactivity after which user information must be deleted. However, it does require organizations to implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure that personal data are erased or anonymized when they are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected. This means that organizations should have a process in place for regularly reviewing and deleting personal data that is no longer needed.

    And a PC gamer article from 2021.


    Seems to me in my IANAL analysis is that there is UBI could very easily justify not deleting a user’s account with games attached considering the point of the account is to buy their games but they don’t because they’re a crappy game company.