So I’m relatively new to fuzz. So far I have a Ge fuzz face, and an EQD hizumitas.

I play mostly low gain, but I actually prefer the sound of the hizumitas, especially when I roll the guitar volume way way back. I pretty much have it set to a tad above unity, everything on 0.

I’m thinking there has to be a muff that will let me reach those lower gain tones that are just out of reach with the hizumitas, without having to roll back to 4 on guitar, and turn off some other drives, as it’s sort of impractical with my current set up.

I’ll probably be pushing it with a ts9, if I must. But if there is one that has a bit more clarity and note definition, then perhaps I won’t need to? I’ll be using it for rhythm, alot of major/minor 1 5 8 3 arps, with some analog delay. Maybe some lead tones. With the hizumitas rolled back, I get this really nice woofy, smooth, “controlled” smooth woolyness that sits behind my playing, rather than the usual wall of fuzz or straight smooth distortion.

So far I have done a bit of research on the green russian, civil war muff, eqd hoof, and the frantone peach fuzz. I’m just a bit overwhelmed, and not too versed in muff circuits, or fuzz in general.

I’ll prob end up copping a clone of whatever I decide.

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated…perhaps I’m not even looking for a muff? Lol

I’m running humbuckers(85/15) into a clean fender (HRD)

Thanks for reading!

  • @MiddleWeighOP
    22 years ago

    Yea, I got the fuzz face, torn, cause most the stuff I listen to is that classic fuzz face tone, but I knew I was lacking the single coil mojo…so I got the hizumitas for cheap, on a whim just incase. I’m glad I did, cause I think I really like the muff sound for my very small fuzz needs.

    The fuzz face (ge sunface clone) is awesome, and I love what it does completely cleaned up, sparkly highs, but in my set up, it’s very ice pick, and hard to tame. It’s either full fuzz, or full clean. It’s more of a clean/treble booster, and sort of redundant for me in my chain.

    The hoof, AND cloven hoof look great and I’m leaning towards hoof or just a green russian RI.

    I was going going to grab the carcosa as my first fuzz, but ended up skipping it, not sure why tbh…maybe some complaints about noise floor? I am gonna revisit that I think.

    In all honesty, I’m regretting even going on this venture…especially that I don’t venture too far past low gain lol. But I guess I’m a damn cork sniffing tone snob. I can’t write A+ songs, or be in a great band…so might as well get my tone right lol.

    I appreciate your help.