• @ransomwarelettuce
    1 year ago

    Totally the times we are living in are interesting AF if you abstract yourself from the present picture like

    “AI taking and automating jobs, what will those silly humans do ?”

    "Damn they really got of that pandemic fast, at least the developed societies, think about it three years, bro, and it was gone. A couple hundred…, decades ago this would not be possible "

    “Planet Earth on a climatic crisis, will humanity persevere, will they revert those changes, how would they take out big oil?”

    “Global conflicts emerging, food and hunger on low developing countries, depressed and aging population on developed ones, will this dummy humans ever get an hold of themselves?”

    Totally interesting topics for an alien overlord, but for us are just topic of our daily doom scroll and anxiety, 1984 similar books are interesting AF, now living them is a total different story (pun intended)