Once again I messed the pill count and didn’t renew my prescription in time sol I’ll be riding this coming week dry… thanks stupid US medical system.

UPDATE: I had to pay out of pocket. $120 because my doc didn’t fill some random paper so I could get the meds, but insurance won’t cover it. It takes 6 months to get an appointment with my doc. I saw him last week and he said he would send a refill, he did t. My pharmacy the requested after I called to check. No go. I called the nurse and asked — automated voicemail. I’m done. I’m done I’m done.

  • @LegionEris
    2 years ago

    Eh. If you can take the appropriate opsec steps to keep yourself anonymous, using the darkweb can be surprisingly safe. You can find darkweb dealers with a full decade of reviews across numerous markets. People sometimes freak out when I say that’s where I used to get my weed, but I always had the best weed in town, and I never had to deal with a creep, and I never had my money stolen. I was using a site that was crazy strict on quality control.