Alright. Let’s get a validating vent session going. My fellow beautiful autistic people, what are some horror from your experience with therapists?

    2 years ago

    I am so sorry you went through that! That psychologist has absolutely no business in being a clinician. She’s not only unhelpful, but actively harmful. While this is entirely your decisions, I would encourage you to report her to the licensing agency because if she was like that with you, she’s doing it with others as well. Although you were lucky enough to have a supportive GP, many others don’t, and this supposed psychologist is actively preventing individuals from accessing proper care. She needs to not be in her position so that she won’t be able to hurt others.

    However, I can empathize a little. I had a GI that I would see for a significant chronic GI issue. He noticed my attention deficit and encouraged me to tell my psychiatrist. I knew I had attention issues my whole life, but in my experience, telling a psychologist was a waste of time because they point out my successes and imply that I don’t have attention issues. Regardless, since I had confidence in my GI, I told the psychiatrist. This is exactly how it went because it was so shocking to me, that I never forgot it. I could paint a picture of the entire office setup when it happened because that’s how well my body remembered it.

    Psychiatrist: Anything else you would like to report?

    Me: My GI said to tell you that I have attention issues.

    Psych: I’m not going to prescribe you stimulants.

    At the time, I didn’t even know that stimulants were the medical treatment for ADHD. However, now I knew. I kept living my life, struggling and barely making it. My successes were highly supported by caring loving people that believed in me and gave me the support that I needed to achieve and contribute.

    Edited: for reasons