Thanks to this community and your friendly incite I’ve been given the skills to throw these together myself. It’s not much compared to the amazing work I see out there, but it’s really gratifying to put something together and know how the damn things works tops to tails.

All s2+ 519a triples with h17fx

Cu has a floody optic and 3500DD

Purple 3500 DD

SWTi 4500 DD

CuTi mix 5700 DD

S6 3v 8a buck driving sft40 6500k smo reflector

  • @barry_budapest
    22 years ago

    Agreed. I really like the UI on the H17Fx, but I prefer a simpler mode progression UI on the reverse clickies. The 8A should give a nice punch to some shorty triples I built for use around the house while having plenty of runtime on the lower side.

    Kinda wish he had a 1 or 2A buck driver too. Not every light needs to empty an 18350 in 20 minutes.