Using react router and have a route definition:

       path: '/',
       element: <Root pageTitle={pageTitle} />,
       errorElement: <ErrorPage setPageTitle={updatePageTitle} />,
       children: [
             path: '*',
             element: <ErrorPage setPageTitle={updatePageTitle} />,
             loader: async () => {
                throw new Response('Not Found', { status: 404 });

This shows me 404 page how I want but without the rest of the root element but also the http status is reported as 200. How do I properly throw it as a 404 and show it inside root element?

  • @OwlPasteOP
    12 years ago

    Well coming from a non react web land, i figured if its a non existent page, it should throw a 404 status. It didn’t occur to me to check if its even making a request beyond initial load (which was where i was seeing 200’s from and getting confused)