WHY YSK- Many people practice mindfulness and meditation as part of their lives, and some would like to but feel like they don’t have time to sit down and meditate properly. Once you’ve gotten used to doing it as a part of your daily activities, it becomes easy to simply take a few breaths and gain some peace from your everyday existence. You don’t need to wait for a time when you can sit and clear your mind completely. It’s a nice bonus, but not necessary for living a mindful life.

  • @ZenGrammyOP
    32 years ago

    It can be whatever you need it to be if it is soothing to you. If you let those worries come and acknowledge them instead of trying to hold them back, you care for yourself in the way you need to be cared for. Just keep breathing in an even way and examine the worry. Is it something that needs to be taken care of or no? Make note of it as a “for later me” thing and return to focusing on your breath and the task.