Yeah, I understand that everything can’t be loaded at the sam time, but this is not the solution. The reason to browse by chronological order, from oldest to newest, is so that I don’t miss posts. But on everey single microblogging app, decentralized or ran by a lunatic wit too much money, there is the barrier between the last few new posts, and where you last left reading.

The eorst part: this loads the newest first, and prefers to push you to the top, requiring you to search where you actually left off.

How about we just have a button to “go to the newest” that throws you to whatever has been published within the 5 minutes, and assume if you’re browsing from bottom to top, you want more to be shown, but properly chronologically.

  • Carighan Maconar
    52 years ago

    Oooh, sorry, I completely misunderstood. Yeah I agree, that’s indeed terrible UX. And sadly super common.