Why YSK: It appears several Lemmy Instances are flagged as suspicious and at least 1 instance intentionally using the name of ransomware. A couple of the big enterprise monitoring suites (Fortiguard, ZScaler) will flag your account and may end up with you being pulled into an office for an explanation, or worse.

TL;DR: Keep browsing to your local instance at work for now.

  • @just_change_it
    111 year ago

    In the US there is no reasonable expectation of privacy on company computers and company networks and to reinforce this usually on day 1 of a job you sign documents explicitly stating they can and will monitor traffic on company systems.

    Without monitoring traffic on all company systems there would be no way to know if your company was subjected to a breach. There is mandatory reporting for public companies and part of the reporting includes the capability to monitor for said breaches.

    To that end I have to wonder where you are that information security is basically prohibited by law.