Hi, so I’ve been wandering this all my life, but how do others get the energy to finish and do things?
My ADHD/Autistic brain has trouble getting the simplest of chores done, simply due to me not being able to start or continue past a mental block.
I’ve been taking meds for my depression, and it seems to have helped but… If anyone has some tricks they’ve used to get by, please let me know.
Thank you in advance for the help!
Getting in the mood or using momentum works for me as well. I often ask myself “What is the biggest chore or task I could do right now, no matter how small?” and try to use the doing-something-mood or momentum or flow this created. That way “okay I guess I can put on some socks because my feet are cold for an hour” turns into “might as well get dressed while I’m here” turns into “oh right the laundry, might as well” turns into “and the kitchen is cleaned at least somewhat” … and so on. Doesn’t always work but it’s good enough to make me seem functional to most people.