Sex and romance are a big part of Baldur’s Gate 3, which has prompted some new menu options in the just-released full version of the RPG. You can toggle nudity during cinematics, toggle whether genitals are visible, and choose whether or not to share what your character does with those nude, visible genitals with your co-op party.

Any dialogue scene can be made private in co-op by clicking a box in the lower-left corner of the screen, and that box will be checked by default for “private moments.” If you’re not shy about your flings with NPCs, though, you can check “Share Private Moments” in the options menu. That’ll keep the privacy option unchecked by default regardless of what your character is doing, and will even share your dreams (which have not been sexy in my experience).

  • LemmyLefty
    31 year ago

    …to watch your sex scenes with?