My old person trait is that I think ‘ghosting’ is completely unacceptable and you owe the other person a face-to-face conversation.

  • @Rukmer
    11 year ago

    How is ghosting less likely to get us stalked or killed? If they already had my real name or address etc. I would think it’s safer to politely let them down or make up an excuse if you feel they might react. You’re moving across the country because your aunt left your a house or something. Sure we’ll stay in touch… Sorry just been really busy with moving and work, talk to you when I can… fade out. Not guaranteed to work but seems safer to me. And the vast, vast majority of people can handle being you’re done with them without getting violent or stalking. Which is not by far exclusively a male issue. Especially stalking, women do that quite often. But still the huge majority of people are safe. If there’s a legitimate reason to believe someone is going to react violently then by all means do what you have to, but we don’t have to walk around thinking it’s likely that we’ll be murdered. Especially if we do practice internet safety like not disclosing addresses and last names to people we don’t know very well (and if anyone makes that mistake, it’s not their fault if something goes wrong, but it’s still good to keep in mind as a safety measure).

    Being yelled at is not violence. The majority of the time a man breaks up with a women he’s also going to be yelled at too. It’s emotional. I’m not saying it’s okay but it’s not like, the same as threats or harassment. I’m not sure, maybe you meant threats.

    I also don’t think you owe someone you barely knew an explanation though. I’m not saying ghosting is always a wrong thing to do. There’s a time and place for it. But in general it can cause unnecessary hurt especially if people are just assuming a man will react violently because he’s male. When we do this to minorities it’s called bigotry. Just because we’ve had multiple bad experiences with X race or Z religion doesn’t mean we should treat all the innocent ones with disrespect.