I’ve swapped a CPU going from 5600g to 5900x, unfortunately the system seems to bluescreen from time to time (usually takes hours in-game, otherwise stable)

For some reason it gets slightly worse when I enable XMP. Significantly worse if I undervold the CPU even a bit. Temps go no further than 80-85C under full load.

Would appreciate your thoughts on potential reasons.


  • 5900x
  • B550m DS3H (Swapping tomorrow to B550 Tomahawk)
  • 3600Mhz 2x16Gb Kingston Fury (2400mhz if JEDEC)
  • 6700xt Saphire Pulse
  • 750W Zalman GigaMax

Will also be reinstalling Windows after motherboard swap.

  • @MisticOP
    12 years ago

    Did that, it’s in the post. 85C max out of every core under full load. That’s without fans ramping up.

    Stock temp is also normal, 40-45C.

    Plastic cover’s off, thermal paste is sufficient. Fans are properly connected, they are facing the right way (at least I hope they are, w/e, will be finding that out soon anyway)

    I did swap the fan with the CPU. Current one is Thermaright PA 120.

    I am a bit concerned about VRM temps, however. It could be that they give in under extended load. I wonder if undervolting puts an additional strain on those, but why would it if all I do is lessen CPU voltage? (Am new to undervolting, BSOD happens even at stock settings, though)