Hey fellow wanderers,

So what is your favourite class/build? I’ve a necro and a barb at level 75 on WT4 at the eternal realm also a rogue, druid and a sorcerer at 50 WT3 in season.

TBH I’m all over the place in terms of builds for the last 3.

Icy-veins and maxroll have some pretty solid builds but I just can’t decide so I’m asking you: what’s your favourite classes or builds so far?

For me it’s the HotA Barb, it feels just right. Still looking for the ranged equivalent though.

    • @TolstoyOP
      22 years ago

      How it’s going so far?^^

      • Hofmaimaier
        22 years ago

        Lvl 72 doing nm dungeon lvl 21 after a few seconds I can start blowing things up. It’s no high DMG build but I try as far as I can, for that old d2 feeling.