Teach girls it’s okay to not want kids. Or even like them.
That they can be functional people without being a mother.
That deciding into their 30s they want kids isnt bad and they’re not “too old.”
Teach girls that they don’t have to sell their youth to kids.
Because motherhood isn’t for everyone. And we need to stop acting like it is.

  • @duffkiligan
    62 years ago

    It isn’t. Do you not understand that male fertility drops but in general never goes to 0? Females literally stop being able to produce a baby. Again, biological process not sexism.

    Male age for sperm is insignificant compared to a woman’s age, there might be some complications that arise from it but they are nothing compared to a woman of equal age.

    The term “geriatric” just means “older than the intended age” not whatever you think it means, which is probably “old person”. This is scientific/medical speak not layman terms. You’re getting upset at the medical institution for telling it like it is, when women get older they 1) stop having the ability to have kids and 2) start introducing lots of complications to pregnancies.

    As for the rest of the post most people are going to agree, a woman’s life isn’t just about having kids. No one should feel like they have to or even want to.

    But do not lump that line of thinking into the same as medical issues.