As we all probably know, per expansion cycle we will be getting:

  • Three maps,
  • Two strikes,
  • A fractal.

Two first maps will have strike encounters included as a part of the story, so conclusion of those chapters will have satisfying boss fights.

Third map though - is it cursed to be just like Gyala Delve, with bad story instances and no real bosses? Fractal can’t be included there, because it’s happening usually in the past or some other alternate timeline.

I just feel like this whole expansion structure would be much better with one more strike for this third map. What do you think?

  • @lorkanoOP
    2 years ago

    I am assuming they will do the same they did in EOD maps - strikes were included in the story, that’s how they save resources by reusing those fights. Dragons end was reused two times, in meta, story and in strike. I don’t think they will stop doing that. It would make sense to be rift enemy, considering they said they will introduce one more tier of rifts later. That’s a good idea. Well we won’t have to wait long to find out either way