• @afraid_of_zombies
    2 years ago

    It wasn’t me that jumped to it. The link between zoning, redlining, and segregation was established decades before I was born. Local governments find ways to zone out minorities that they do not want. Less low cost housing, refusing to allow single homes being converted into two family homes, strategically placing school busing limits, preventing religious buildings being built.

    Just in my city, someone put up a sign in Arabic on their house and some Karen tried to pass an ordinance against signs on houses zoned for single family. She was at least honest about the why of it, “it is unamerican” according to her. Meanwhile we are surrounded by cities on all sides that have dispensaries as well as outdoor smoking cafes. Yet we don’t have them. All that lost revenue and an affront to equality just so some shitstain boomer doesn’t have to see a POC.