The white supremacist group Patriot Front is suing a left-wing activist for allegedly infiltrating the group and revealing the identities of members, USA Today reported. The lawsuit says the alleged “doxxings” cost the members their jobs and personal relationships. As USA Today points out, Patriot F…

  • @hydrospanner
    210 months ago

    Yeah, I don’t mind the naming of names, but it sounds like they used their connection to access more personal info which was obtained and distributed specifically for the purpose of targeting them with attacks.

    Which of course they deserve. I’m not gonna argue that white supremacists don’t deserve every bit of negativity they receive…but like you said, it’s about the precedent.

    If the shoe was on the other foot and some far right activist had done this to a group of progressives, LGBT+ people, etc. the outrage would be justified.

    The entire mindset of “well it’s okay because I don’t like the people it affected” is problematic and fundamentally cheapens the position of anyone who adopts such a stance.

    Buuuuuuut…this is Lemmy. And if you thought the hive mind was bad on reddit, buckle up.