So growing up, I had this idea that the American dream was about that if you put in an honest amount of work, you would be rewarded with a good life. This would mean you would be able to take care of yourself and your family, afford a car and a house. In my view, working one job would probably be enough.

Nowadays, I get the idea that the American dream has become about working your ass off in order to have a chance to become a millionaire. Somehow glorifying “the grind” appears to be a part of it too now.

  • @MiddleWeigh
    22 years ago

    Well said.

    Took me a while to recognize the instilled behavior, and even longer to unwind the tendrils and it’s effects on my life in general. Capitalism has instilled a martyr complex into us.

    I am a go where the wind blows kind of person and settled on working for myself. Much out of necessity as well, cause a company would absolutely not hire me anymore. I am still “poor”, but I make my own schedule at least. If I’m gonna get fucked, I’d like to choose how.