“The long awaited Sequel! We return to Monster Hunter Frontier to discover the Monsters of the G-Z expansions! Enjoy!”

Part 1 -
The Glorious Monsters of Monster Hunter Frontier: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtVZvde9hFM

Intro: 0:00
Pokaradon: 04:27
Farunokku: 08:03
Hyujikiki: 12:03
Midogaron: 17:26
Shantien: 22:17
Giaorugu: 33:51
Ray and Lolo Gougarf: 36:51
Anorupatisu: 41:04
Mi Ru: 46:03
Rebidiora: 52:28
Disufiroa: 56:24
Barlagual: 01:08:33
Zerureusu: 01:14:57
Meraginasu: 01:20:44
Forokururu: 01:27:17
Diorex: 01:34:17
Inagami: 01:39:30
Garuba Daora: 01:47:36
Duremudira: 01:54:08
Poborumarumu: 02:06:23
Varusaburosu: 02:11:26
Harudomerugu: 02:19:16
Gureadomosu: 02:27:14
Gasurabazura: 02:33:11
Yama Kurai: 02:40:23
Toridcless: 02:46:13
Toa Tesukatora: 02:50:48
Voljang: 02:55:09
Guanzorumu: 03:00:13
Zenaserisu: 03:13:49
Keoaruboru: 03:22:05
Eruzerion: 03:32:36
Bogabadorumu: 03:42:32
Berserk Laviente: 03:48:23
Exotic Species: 03:53:28
Musos: 03:55:51
Zenith Species: 04:01:34
Redacted: 04:08:50
Outro: 04:19:29”

  • CH3DD4R_G0B-L1NM
    1 year ago

    The easiest and maybe most common answer is bring over Magnet Spike and Tonfas as we’re “feeling overdue” for new weapons. But they’d obviously need some reworking, especially Magnet Spike. Might just be easier to dream up something new.