One minute you’re doing the downward dog, the next you’re listening to conspiracy theories about Covid or the new world order. How did the desire to look after yourself become so toxic?
I would say that generally speaking the further you are from being a straight white cis-het middle or upper class man who speaks English as his first language without any disabilities the more likely you are to be misunderstood and ignored by the western medical industry. Though the odds for anyone are never quite as close to zero as they so obviously should be (probably in no small part because it is an industry.)
I would say that generally speaking the further you are from being a straight white cis-het middle or upper class man who speaks English as his first language without any disabilities the more likely you are to be misunderstood and ignored by the western medical industry. Though the odds for anyone are never quite as close to zero as they so obviously should be (probably in no small part because it is an industry.)