On a slightly more serious note: I really wonder what’s going on in your mind when you press that button and cross anyway. Is it just because “I don’t care”, or is there more to it? If so: what?

EDIT: In case it’s because you don’t care: why do you press the button then?

  • @DicskaOP
    31 year ago

    I was just about to say that I have been there before, with the exception that I had made an even sillier decision, and actually still waited for the green sign so that the drivers don’t get frustrated when they have to stop at an empty pavement.

    Now, all that achieved was that the driver saw me from afar, standing at a totally deserted crossing, waiting awkwardly until it turned green. He would have had to stop anyway, but now he also got to witness an idiot waiting at an empty road for the sign to turn to green.

    …so I think I would also be happy with a recall button. I’m just afraid it would be exploited by ill willed people/kids.

    As for the Kyoto Protocol: I think it’s a disgrace it hasn’t been enforced the way it should have. That’s partially the reason we won’t be able (haha, won’t… HAVEN’T been able) to act in time and just go extinct ( 🙏 ) or at least fall back to the bronze age. Speaking of pressing the button: it also makes several cars cough up more exhaust fumes as they are waiting unnecessarily ; ).