Here’s the situation - on bin day, I put out my bins with the draghandle facing outwards, because in my mind that means all the bin man has to do is grab the handle. My neighbour however, contends that it is more appropriate to have the bin lid facing outwards as some bin men like to check what’s in the bin before they drag it to the truck. I’ve never seen a bin man do this. To me, their way means extra work for the bin man but my neighbour says its my way that causes extra work.

In the grand scheme of things I doubt the bin men give a fuck which way round the bins are but I’m interested in what you all think. Handle facing out or lid facing out?

  • @nogooduser
    11 year ago


    Trafford have three recycling bins - garden waste, paper and tins+plastic. The plastic recycling is just for plastic bottles.

    We just have two now. Garden waste in one and everything else in the other.