I bought this used desk a week ago; it had been disassembled and sitting in storage. While bringing it home, some of the cam screws got bent quite a bit to the point where I can’t fit them into the actual locking part of the screws.

The only solution I can find is to replace all the cam screws and locks, but the screws have what seems like a drywall hook on them? It’s making it impossible to take them out, plus they don’t have a screw head visible instead it’s just a little hole.

Does anyone have an idea on how to take these out so I can replace them, or any other ideas how to get this desk together? I think the actual locks are worn down as well, since the only piece I could get attached wouldn’t actually lock into place.

  • @bl4ckbloocOP
    11 year ago

    Not really, I need to get this whole piece out otherwise the desk isn’t really worth it so there isn’t any worse direction to go haha. The other thing I can think of is to put it in the bathroom and steam up the room then maybe I can pull these things out. I think the plastic bit that looks like a drywall hanger is what’s actually holding it in place.