I wasn’t as sure about how “40k” these guys would look back when they were previewed but I think they ended up firing the aesthetic just right. Scrap tech, plenty of chaos, begging for some grim dark colorations.

  • @SpiceMerchantOP
    21 year ago

    Combination of Speed Paint and Contrast paint for the base coats, yeah.

    Speed paints: Ruddy Fur - for the fur Broadsword Silver and Talos Bronze - for the metals Fire Giant Orange - Eyes and Glow Hardened Leather - Straps and Belts Grin Black - Weapons

    Contrast Paints: Guiliman Flesh - Skin Skeleton Horde - Horns, Hooves, Bones Teradon Turquoise - Cloth

    Then Agrax Earthshade over everything and dry brush or highlight as needed.