We ran into an issue in our game today, and I’m just wondering if anyone else has seen this or might know a solution.

One of our players is (well, was…) a ranger. Every time he would use animal companion (after level 5, this wasn’t always the case), it would instantly aggro him and start a combat. No one else had him marked as an enemy, only the ranger. We once tried attacking it when we were in camp, and Astorian ran over to heal it. If no one made any moves and just ended their turn, the combat rotation just went in circles and nothing would happen. Does this sound familiar to anyone?

  • @Sacha
    31 year ago

    I mostly play on tactician because I find balanced too easy now haha. My ranger playthrough is balanced and that honestly feels more hardmode than tactician becsuse ranger just feels so bad. It feels like it does nothing good and is outclassed. Atleast rogue has out of combat use, but rangers don’t even get lockpicking/etc bonuses outside of your general dex bonuses. Plus summons based rangers are practically unplayable because of them counting towards the crime system, making you feel like mods are nigh on mandatory for that kind of playthrough. I did want to play a vanilla playthrough, though, but I keep gravitating towards my modded ones…