Somehow this is the only country on earth where this seems to happen. When talking about shootings involving guns, okay, fine, the US is certainly an outlier there, but every country has cars and police.
This is murder.
Somehow this is the only country on earth where this seems to happen. When talking about shootings involving guns, okay, fine, the US is certainly an outlier there, but every country has cars and police.
This is murder.
Normal people don’t step in front of moving vehicles in order to create a situation where you can justify murdering someone. The cop should have taken one step to the side, or simply not put himself in harm’s way to begin with. Even a normal person knows you don’t jump in front of a moving vehicle. Cops are trained to keep themselves out of harm’s way, but this idiot skipped “don’t play in traffic” day at the academy. Cops are also trained not to shoot into moving vehicles because that creates a totally uncontrollable danger to bystanders. He skipped that day too.