Firstly, the important stuff.

It measures 20cm long and 5cm wide, which is absolutely outrageous when you think it managed to come out of someone’s backside intact like that.

While there will be plenty of people who will claim to have expelled something far larger after a heavy night of drinking or after completing one hell of a food challenge, this one has been officially recognised.

So the next time you push one out that is longer and wider, call the authorities.

The next thing researchers discovered was what the man was eating. They were able to discover the poo was derived from a diet of mainly meat and bread and the outside was described as ‘moist and peaty’. That’s a mental image if we’ve ever heard one.

  • @BongRipsMcGee420
    52 years ago

    I took a picture but I can’t find it. Google Photos throws it into fun little memory compilations every now and then