I updated my Arch install a few hours ago and I cant launch Team fortress 2 since then.
Things I’ve tried:

  • Verify game data
  • Reboot
  • Reinstall Steam
  • Deleting Steam folder

Things I haven’t tried yet:

  • Reinstall Arch

Any other game seems to work without any problems

  • @atmur
    41 year ago

    This is one thing I really like about Flatpak, never having to worry about missing or broken dependencies. Totally worth the bigger install size imo.

    One thing to note if you go this route OP: If you use Steam Input, you’ll also need to install the steam-devices package (game-devices-udev on Arch), or setup udev rules manually. Flatpak still doesn’t let apps do this automatically as far as I’m aware, but it’s smooth sailing aside from that.