Me (14y male from Poland) got my english teacher annoyed/disappointed after saying the word “crap”. I’m unsure if this is the right place to ask this question but is saying that word considered bad? I always thought it was pretty mild and not a big deal.

  • Pyro
    11 year ago

    Not sure what part of the UK you’re from, but that’s absolutely not the case (at least in the North West where I’m from).

    Crap is a bit of a crude word, but I don’t know anybody who would consider it being an actual swear word. For clarity, I’m using the definition of a swear word where it’s something you’d have to censor on public air.

    If someone said “dang” or “darn” around here, you’d get a raised eyebrow and everyone would just think you’re from the US because we just don’t use those words here.