Hi all,

I’ve had ulcerative colitis for 20 years now and mostly stay in remission with only 4 hospitalizations total. Still, I deal with UC difficulties on a regular basis, but don’t know anyone in my daily life that has IBD, so I hope this community takes off to have a community of other IBDers to provide and receive support. I’ll do my part to try to stay active here.

    11 year ago

    Hi! Yes, the therapist that first pointed out my autistic traits to me said that the GI system has lots of nerve cells, so I think there might be something to out brain styles and IBD. Interestingly, my flares are all associated with prolonged, highly stressful experiences.

    I used to do the thighs before. It’s a different deeper pain since it’s in the muscle. I haven’t injected there in years, but I remember preferring the lighted shallow pain in the abs. I could try the thigh again at my next dose just to check. Thanks for the suggestion 🙂

    I’ll definitely make a post if I go on Remicade 👍