Halo it is me, the goddess Splatoon, but you maya call me sploon. I am here wit very important announcements. Pls do not use clash blastr. I had mad eit as a joke and I do not know y peopl use it. I am very concerned for your mental helth if you use clasj blaster :(

  • CarpM
    22 years ago

    I don’t know what others might think, but it reads a little spam-y to me, so might not be something that shows up on someone’s feed real well (the joke misspellings probably don’t help that too, tbh). Maybe if the title was a little less run-on, mabes.

    It might also read a little like early, random internet humor, which might be a little grating for some, but definitely also more of a subjective thing.

    For what it’s worth, I can see what you were going for and appreciate ya trying, either way! ^^