It’s been a while since I decided to invest in my body.

Usually I focus my workout where I think I am lacking some strength.

For abs and core strength, I have done somewhat this workout and I think I will stick to it, every two-three days I will do:

  • 7 leg raises

  • 20 sit ups

  • 20 russian twists

  • 40 s plank

  • cobra stretch

I run at weekends so I will skip leg day and as I skate quite a bit as well will try to manage the previous workout with it.

The problem is the arms workout as my wirsts are weak AF since I broke them ( yeah… guys wear your wrists guards ), so I usually crumble doing push ups, what would you guys propose as workout not only to build my arms, but too slowly build up my wrists.

Other problem that I want to work on is flexibility overall I am good but as I get older the more and more I notice my joints are getting quite rusty.

    • @ransomwarelettuceOP
      11 year ago

      Oh those seem cool, maybe I will order some or sign up for a gym to try.

    • @LemmySoloHer
      11 year ago

      This is a good suggestion – they will take some strain off the wrists and increase range of motion per rep as an added bonus!

      Again though, since we’re not just dealing with routine strain and pain, but actual broken bones that required medical attention, I do think it’s important that OP answers the questions in my original comment before we can give a hard recommendation (past the flexibility advice they asked for which I think is likely safe to suggest on).

      We don’t know the extent of their injuries (from broken bones to any torn muscles and ligaments connected to the injuries) or where they are at in their recovery. If they’re still early in the recovery process, or if they recovered but were injured in a way that caused permanent fragility, they might need to wait longer and do lighter things to even build up to pushups or heavily modify the form by doing them on their knees.

      I’m not knocking this though, I do think you have a fantastic suggestion here, I just want to make sure we don’t put it in OP’s head that they can grab a pair of these and start pumping out pushups. There are just too many talented athletes that thought they could forgo medical advice and ended up with permanent injuries that hindered them from ever improving or being as great as they were, as well as military members that tried to push through problems instead of seeing the doc and ended up on permanent profile as a result. If OP needs to start with low-weight assisted machines first (especially if they’re a high body weight) or low-resistance bands, etc., before pushing up their body weight on a pair of these, we need to know!

      • @ransomwarelettuceOP
        1 year ago

        Yeah, I think I good I just gotta build up a bit of strength on wrists I was told that I would be fine, just to take it easy during a year, day to day things I don’t feel a thing now when it comes to put some serious straign on my wrists I just crumble no pain just like a last set or rep.