I had a bit of grain left during my last run, so I mixed the bits I had left.

This is interesting, actually. Over the next few months, I’ll continue this experiment to see what grain mixes might work better for spawn.

While this wasn’t a “proper” test, I had still hypothesized that the higher starch content in the popcorn would do better. I guess not.

I’ll try and separate testing into different categories like starch content, moisture content, mycelium strain, etc. There is probably a ton more conditions to isolate as well.

  • @Mojojojo1993
    21 year ago

    That’s excellent. I’d just like to grow oysters so I don’t need to spend money on things I can grow. But it’s a weigh up of buying substrate vs just buying mushrooms.

    Just playing around with things. Have tried some wood shavings and some wood from the wood shed. So similar kinda thing as you. You are just more robust. I kinda just chuck stuff at it and see if anything sticks.

    My issue would be if my spouse are good enough in the first place